Thursday 17 November 2016

7 Ways In Which India Is Leading The World

India's economy may not be at the top, but India had definitely made its mark on the world with a few tricks up its sleeve. Not just crime against women or intolerance issues, India is topping the world with some grand kickass things. 

So between all these political scams, mad rumors about Bollywood couples and crime rates, here are 7 things in which India rules the world. 

1. Tobacco warnings
For all products containing tobacco, there is supposed to be a warning 
occupying at least 85% of the front and back of the pack.
 India apparently leads in that.
An Italian American Eatery

2. Reading Habits

India breeds the greatest bookworms
as compared to any other country
 in the world. We love books!

3. Agricultural Products


With the majority of the population living in rural areas, 
India is the biggest producer of millet, cotton, 
various fruits, pulses, beans, ginger, cumin,
chili pepper and turmeric.

4. Post Offices


Emails and SMS may have taken over but 
India still leads in the postal department.

5. Stock Exchange


The BSE or Bombay Stock Exchange in Mumbai is
 Asia's fastest stock exchange median with trade occurring 
within 6 microseconds. There are more than 5000 
companies listed with this 137 year old building.

6. Mangalyaan


India was the first, yes FIRST country in the
Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM) 
which we called as Mangalyaan

7. Bollywood


The industry is over 100-year-old and releases 
nearly 1,600 movies per year.

Leiden,(opp Boomerang),Avinasi Road,Peelamedu,Coimbatore


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